I had asked Elder Burnett some questions about his mission and the question and answers are below:
1. When is your Pday?
2. How does the mission handle finances? Do they send you a check each month or direct deposit money into your account?
3. Did the Indianapolis 500 cause any excitement for the people in your area?
4. Is the opening of the Indianapolis temple creating any opportunities for you guys?
5. How big is your ward?
6. Do you have any good investigators?
7. How many Elders and Sisters are in your district?
President Cleveland is apparently ok with music and playing instruments and we chose what we feel is appropriate for music. Some of the music my comp and I have is questionable so I got some music that should be appropriate.
To answer your questions. My Pday is Monday. They put 60$ into my MSF My mission saving or spending fund. every Two Weeks. We didn't really talk to many people during the indie 500. There were a lot of Formula 1 cars at walmart and on flat bed Pick up trucks. But I didn't hear to much about the race. I know there were a lot of crashes and stuff. The opening for the temple helps us give out cards and tell people that this is there chance to go find out about the Temple and see what it looks like on the inside. I Feel like our ward is pretty small maybe medium but its not huge. Our Bishop and his wife are pretty cool but right now we are working on making the church branch out a little bit instead of sticking to themselves and their own little (clicks) OR group of friends. So far what I consider an investigator is our neighbors. Ill write you the story on paper of how I got to know them. And pretty soon we will be talking to 3 Black dudes that live under the sisters. Sooo I think we have 4 Elders and 2 Sisters.
Ill be trying to work hard out here and find more investigators through street contacting and tracting. But I Guess the way to go here is through referrals, and We have a few of those. This lady is wanting us to baptize her son before June 17th or something. Before he turns nine and wants us to get her other son prepared to be baptized. However Tafuna and I feel like we need to get her to come back to church first so that the son doesn't just get baptized then fall away super fast... This lady just has an excuse for everything XD So while I was trying to promise blessings on her and her family if she would just get up and commit to coming to church she interrupted me with some weird random thing. SO OH WELL. So Tafuna is going to teach her while I Teach her two sons in the same room.