Hey Fam. Its been a good week. We met with the Nigerian family multiple times this week bringing them to a baptism and catching the rest of their family up with all the things we teach them. The Grandmother Titi is the one who came to church this week with her grandchildren Ola And I have no Idea how to spell her brothers name. But the Grandmother just came to visit Victoria from Nigeria and Victoria gave her a Book of Mormon and told her to read it. So we have been teaching her and she had told us how much she has changed. She told us her son is a pastor in Africa and she is going to give him a Book of Mormon and she is going to have him change too. She is working towards being baptized. So as we teach them Victoria, Ola, Titi will be Baptized then their Son and the Husband Bayo will hopefully sit in on a lesson as well.
Wondm will be continuing to meet with us and we are going to bring an Ethiopian friend that comes to church to help teach him. We have been working on being very obedient and we have seen The Lords hand in our life! Its been awesome I believe your prayers are heard and will be answered!!!! Of course be it his will!
Beat to Teach and Pitbull:
here are some things I forgot to mention. Played Getto B ball or as we call it Beat to teach. They were all cool! My team won.

Then we went to go check out some potential Investigators and this Pit bull ran up to us and slapped into my comps window without me knowing. I opened my door and the Fart hopped into our car like he wanted a ride! Luckily he was a sweet dog. Later his owner came was looking for him and I helped chase him down. and the Dog wouldnt come to his owner so I stopped and the Dog stopped and I slapped my knees and told him to come here. and He GALLOPED to me hahaha and jumped right into my arms. so I held the dog till His owner came and Got him.
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