Wednesday, May 25, 2016


Hey sorry I havent been updating you all that much. I will get some pictures of the following things that I have done this week! The missionary work has been good for me c; We went on exchanges and really felt like we just didnt do much because of specific things that had come up and everyone they had lined up canceled on us. But when I got back after 3 days on an exchange from lack of miles. I was able to work and it felt super refreshing to go out. Teach, uplift, and share testimony.  on Saturday we went to the goat farm and helped a ton. I GOT TO WELD!!!!! AHH IT WAS AWESOME! I helped Rig up something to carry the Fosters bumper on the back of their car and did what I could to keep it there! 

Remember when I told you guys I would come out here and find someone with a farm and help them weld something! TOTALLY HAPPENED haha C: 

Then On Sunday we stopped by Cody and he didnt seem that happy when we got to his house but he invited us in and was playing Siege on the PS4 so while he played we went out the district leaders car (who was with us) to get a Book of Mormon so I could share Alma chapter 43-46 With the Battle with Captain Moroni and the Title of liberty. However the District leader and his comp were gone and the car was locked so we werent able to get in! So we called them several times and no answer then I remembered Cody had a Book of Mormon! So as we were headed back into the house we invited the Other two missionaries in and we all sat down as he continued to play. So I just offered to start reading. But instead we didnt feel like we had that much time to read so I summarized the story and shared it with him. Then asked him to think to himself. HOW IMPORTANT IS YOUR BAPTISM TO YOU. And asked him not to answer me but to remember that and think about it. This was around when he began to show some interest or his game was over haha. He exited out of his lobby and we began to just talk. All the missionaries and him. I wrote down my testimony in his Book of Mormon and wrote down the commitments we asked him to keep. I could really feel the spirit. The lesson was smooth the questions were thought provoking. Everything went well. SO hopefully it re kindled his desire. Thats about the coolest stuff I can remember to tell you. Some funny stuff I remember was with Elder Bair and Elder Norris and The District Leader and his other companion and I were driving down these back roads deep in the "Forest" I guess you can call it. And passed by an area of open land with a few donkeys on it. So as we passed by I honked and saw a donkey LEAP like 12 feet in the air!!!! It was SO FUNNY I havent ever scared a large animal like that before from honking! After it regained its focus it looked back and stared at us haha. Ive never been able to do that cause you honk at a cow and nothing happens. Well I love you guys! Take care and be safe!

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